FMB Solicitors Confiscation Proceedings

If someone receives a conviction for a criminal offence, there can be consequential Confiscation Proceedings. Under The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, a Confiscation Order is designed to remove any profit made by a criminal act by allowing the courts to confiscate a defendant’s property found to be the proceeds of crime. These cases are likely to involve complex work in attempting to trace and recover items including money and/or property.

Specialist area of Law

Matters involving Confiscation Proceedings are a specialist area of the law, and can carry serious consequences for the defendant. Non-compliance with a confiscation order can result in a prison sentence, therefore it is important to instruct a lawyer who is experienced in this area.

Cases involving confiscation proceedings often involve legal issues of trusts, nominee accounts, equitable interests and other legal concepts that a layman will be unfamiliar with. Our expert team of criminal defence solicitors will prepare the strongest possible case, drawing on their many year’s experience to challenge and scrutinise claims against you that are vague or weak.

We understand that your personal and professional life may be affected by the case and will work closely with you to not only prepare your case, but reduce any damage to your reputation.

If you need help from an expert and would like to talk to someone in confidence about your situation, contact FMB Solicitors or call 01254 274 700 or send us an e-mail to

FMB Solicitors is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA number 666147. Company number 12028385

The SRA’s Code of Conduct can be viewed here

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01254 274 700
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